Saturday, December 4, 2010

Love Hurts (Rated R)

At a midnight showing of a movie, something happens that wasn’t part of the script.

                                                             Love Hurts
                                   ( Rated R)

I grabbed the collar of my shirt and flapped it a few times.
“Cologne, check, breath… check.” I said to myself as I held my palm to mouth walking towards the door. I had prepared all day for this midnight movie date with my ex. It’s been months since we had communicated, so I was surprised when she called a couple days ago. Now things had to be perfect; it was obvious she missed me, missed us, so I wanted tonight be and feel perfect, destined.
“Kristina.” I said with a childish smile as I stared at her in the doorway. There seemed to be this illuminate glow around her silhouette as if she was the Mother Mary; but with the vulgar memories that danced in my head, that analogy may not be appropriate.
“Ummm, are you going to invite me in, or would you rather stand there looking like Bambi?” Kristina joked as she brushed by me playfully. I stood beside the door and watched her navigate to my ‘L’ shaped couch; I’ve watched this scene play out in my head all day, and it was even better live.
“Sooooo, what type of movie are you in for?” I asked as I made my way towards the couch. She was doing something with her phone and didn’t seem to hear the question.
“I’m sorry, what was that? Movie? Ummmm, you’re the host, you pick.” Kristina said as she shoved her phone deep into her purse. Her whole demeanor seemed to have changed at that moment. She wasn’t as relaxed as she was initially, and now she was sitting on the edge of the couch like an anxious mom watching her kid at a Spelling Bee.
“Are you ok?” I asked. She was beginning to rock slightly back and forth; I knew this to be her body language for discomfort.
“No, I’m not nervous… it’s just that…” My doorbell interrupted her. I was startled myself because I had warned all of my friends not to bother me tonight, and usually they were great followers of the code of men. As I attempted to get up Kristina stopped me.
“No! Please don’t answer…” This time the banging from the door cut her off. Now my mind was in a pretzel. Who could possibly be banging on my door like a ‘Mad Man’? I stood up and headed towards the door, but Kristina grabbed my wrist.
“Look, I have to tell you something. Please don’t answer the door… He’s crazy.” The banging continued with amplified volume.
“He!? He who?” I asked, though I knew the answer to this question wouldn’t turn out good either way.
“My ex… He must have followed me.” Out of anger I snatched my wrist from her grasp. Walking towards the door I heard her grab her belongings and bolt towards the rear of the apartment. This night was getting stranger by the second. As soon as I opened the door I saw stars… Love hurts.

Reggie Manning