Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Test Message

I'm just posting this entry to test the mobile app of Blogger. It had very bad reviews, I guess I'm just hoping it will work for my simple ol blog. :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Dear Writing,

     I miss you. I miss the moments we shared. The feelings I experienced everytime we touched. The conversations we had. The late nights of trading thoughts and making love on thin sheets of college ruled paper or blank Microsoft Word screens. I miss the cuddling afterwards where I felt as if these moments would never end. But they did...

     Lately, I've been lazy. I haven't contacted you in what feels like decades. I still think about you, and what we could have had, but my lack of energy and motivation restricted me from chasing you. Honestly, I stopped because I am truly afraid of you. I'm afraid of failure of course, but what we had and the potential of success was intimidating. I'm afraid things will go right... How crazy is that?

     You're probably thinking that I am just saying this as a poetic excuse and that the truth is I'm afraid of commitment. That may be the case as well. But I need to find myself and become more focused on our future if we stand any chance at all. I'm sorry for my absence.

Can we start over?

P.S. I Love You...