Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quality not Quanity

So after reflecting on my recent posts, I've decided that I have made a common error among writers. I became so caught up with Quanity that I neglected Quality. Sure I could post a new story everyday, but would they be worth reading? I doubt it. Just take a look at my previous entry. It was a great idea, but I failed to take the time to make it worthy. I just thought of it, wrote it once, and posted it. That's unacceptable... I apologize sincerely. Let's be honest, that ending was predictable, weak, and just plain out Wack. Wigidy wigidy Wack! The sad part is that I knew it was Wack when I wrote it, but I was so caught up in posting a story a day that I just posted it. I had it backwards, Quanity not Quality.
It's kind of like if your favorite musician made an album every month. Sure, we all wish that was possible, but would the quality of that monthly album be as good a well crafted yearly album. I just need to sit back and get refocused and not force things. I refuse to post mix tape quality stories, so I will focus on the big picture, the album... Well the story.
I don't have any ideas spinning, but something will come up. I just have to live life and wait for inspiration. I can't force this. But you can still stop by the blog and see how I'm doing. I will still post something daily, whether it be a link to something that moves me, book reviews, or just me rambling about nothing... Sort of like this. Thanks for your time, and patience. -Niles

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